Special Enrollment Period (SEP)
A time outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period when you can sign up for health insurance. You qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if you’ve had certain life events, including losing health coverage, moving, getting married, having a baby, or adopting a child.
If you qualify for an SEP, you usually have up to 60 days following the event to enroll in a plan. If you miss that window, you have to wait until the next Open Enrollment Period to apply.
You can enroll in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) any time of year, whether you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period or not.
Job-based plans must provide a special enrollment period of at least 30 days.
Did you or anyone in your household lose qualifying health coverage in the past 60 days OR do you expect anyone in your household to lose coverage in the next 60 days?
Did any of the following apply to you or anyone in your household in the past 60 days?
Changes in household size:
Got married in the past 60 days
Had a Baby in the past 60 days
Gained/became a dependent in the past 60 day
Got divorced or legally separated and lost health insurance in the past 60 days
Death in the past 60 days
Changes in residence or income:
Changed your primary place of living in the past 60 day
Had a change in income in the past 60 days
Changes in status:
Denied Medicaid/CHIP in the past 60 days
Gained citizenship or lawful presence in the U.S. in the past 60 days
Was released from incarceration (detention, jail, or prison) in the past 60 days
Was released from incarceration (detention, jail, or prison)
Are you a member of a federally recognized tribe, or an Alaska Native corporation shareholder?